Until recently X-Photographers were forced to either use only Fuji´s (very good) JPEG´s or 3rd party RAW converters coz Adobe´s Camera RAW didn't really cooperate with the non-Bayer demosaicing layout of Fuji´s X-Trans sensors. Now here´s the good news for Fuji shooters: With Adobe´s latest Creative Cloud update there´s no more need to stray from Lightroom & fuss with needing to export & re-import images. And no more need to split your post processing over 2 pieces of software !
I stumbled over this after viewing images in Lightroom, see previous posts here and here but just wanted to double-check if the improvement is also visible in portraiture (skin & hair), see here an image (thanks to my lovely wife !) developed in Lightroom (no external RAW converter !):
The Lady with the Umbrella, Fuji X-Pro2 with f2/35mm WR, processed in Lightroom CC
Here a 100% enlargement of this image:
Crop of above image processed in Lightroom CC
And here the same image developed in the best-of-class external RAW converter Iridient:
The Lady with the Umbrella, Fuji X-Pro2 with f2/35mm WR, processed in Iridient Developer
Here again the 100% enlargement for your reference:
Crop of above image processed with Iridient Developer
As you can see there is not much difference, from my point of view the image developed in Lightroom is even a bit more natural looking !
I hope this little post helps X-Photographers to simplify their workflow by not needing to fuss with additional bits of software, please let me know your experience or if you have any comments, I look forward to hearing from you !
Many thanks for visiting & for your interest, wish y´all a good Sunday & best regards
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