Thought I’d wait with this until all of the world had moved into 2021 (yeah I got readers from all timezones ;-) … So here’s to wishing a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2021 to y’all! And may your private, professional and especially photographic endeavours succeed and bring you joy & satisfaction!
All the best and good hope for the new year 2021, captured by my X100V “Irene” @F/2.8, 1/40 sec, ISO 4000!
The image above is of a lovely crystal X-mas tree ornament I received (just in time ;-) on Christmas Eve from my daughter (who’s studying abroad). It was a real shame we couldn’t meet F2F for Christmas due to Covid “no-fly” travel & quarantine restrictions, but at least I got a special present from her with so many positive vibes that I thought it’d be a great motif for my Happy New Year’s post! So, a big Thank You to Helena! :-)
I sincerely hope for all of you that the new year brings good health, happiness and luck to you and your loved ones and that we together can look forward with good hope to a great 2021, enjoy!
I’d also like to use this opportunity to thank all of you who visited my blog last year for your interest, support, helpful comments, interesting questions and constructive critique. This has helped me to advance my photography and given me the opportunity to “meet” (at least virtually) many new people with a shared passion!
Thanks again for that and all the best wishes to you all with my warmest regards, please stay safe,
If you like you can support me by sending me a small donation via ! Helps me run this site & keeps the information coming, many thanks in advance!