Hey, the JPEG's coming out of my Fuji X100T are really amazing ! So much that I looked for a "light" image processing solution for "On-the-Go" & found a great full featured photo editor for iPad called Pixelmator. See below example image of the famous Roman aqueduct in Segovia, Spain:
Roman Aqueduct in Segovia, Spain
For this I developed following simple "On-the-Go" imaging workflow which I'd like to share with y'all:
- Set up my Fuji X100T to take rather neutral / flat color images (kinda digital "negative" with maximum dynamic range, if you like):
- Classic Chrome
- Hi-light -1
- Shadow -1
- Color +1
- NR -1
- Sharpen +1
- JPEG+RAW (to still have a RAW backup ! ;-)
- Import images to iPad using Fuji's Wifi connection App or Apple's lightning to
SD card connection kit - Use "Pixelmator" App to optimize image (exposure, contrast, levels, color, etc). If you prefer Black & White you can use the color sliders to influence the grey tones !
- Upload finished images to my site
The advantage of this approach is that you can process & upload your images while travelling, just using an iPad w/o any compromise on image quality (at least for web applications) and you still have the back-up original RAW files to make fine art prints !
Hope you liked it ! Curious about your comments, many thanks in advance for looking & wish y'all a great weekend !
Best regards,
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